Travel Writing


I spent a long time in the Himalayas with Tibetans in their settlements in the foothills and the higher elevations, usually in some old mud room in a monastery, or sometimes, as in 2006, with Tibetan families. So I had a great thirst for travelling, and still do. Some years back I wrote not only travelogues but travel features, mainly for the Irish Times and the Irish Examiner. Take a look, there are some examples below…

Lahaul Spiti in Himachal Pradesh, India, where I spent many years studying Tibetan and researching for Travelogues.

Photo by Tej Ram


Later, I wrote as a foreign  correspondent for the Irish Times. In those days the editors were great. Paddy Smyth did not alter one word of my featured articles, which was amazing consdering the level of influence the Chinese CCP has on the Irish government and by default, the media. It is very different nowadays, of course.

Foreign Correspondence for The Irish Times on Tibetan protests in Kathmandu, 2009


Feature on my Great Great Uncle, Father Gerald O’Donovan, who left the priesthood (Roman Catholic) in 1906 to become a novelist in London. Irish Times.


Feature on Art and Artists in Donegal for the Irish Times

Feature on Yaddo Artist’s Colony, Saratoga Springs, New York, where Sylvia Plath, Carson McCullers and many great American writers and artists had resdencies. Irish Times.

Feature on the Polish Artist and Playwright, Stanislav Igncy Witkiewicz (1885-1939) known as Witkacy. Irish Times

Foreign Correspondence for the Irish Times on Tibetan refugees in Nepal. Irish Times.

Feature on War Photographer, Richard Wayman, reporter from Afghanistan to Kurdish strongholds in Turkey. Irish Times feature 2004

Feature on War Photographer, Richard Wayman, reporter from Afghanistan to Kurdish strongholds in Turkey. Irish Times feature 2004

Feature on the Kalachakra Ceremony with the XIV Dalai Lama in Spiti Valley, for the Irish Examiner

Feature on Travel to Ladakh and Spiti in Northern India, on the Tibetan Border, for the Irish Examiner, 2005

Feature on Ashiyana Yoga Centre, Goa, 2016 in Otherwise Magazine: eOtherWise-iss7-2